Setting up business in India


One of the most challenging aspects for Australian companies seeking to launch themselves the South and South East Asia is the establishment of an in-country office.

Finding the office and the staff while negotiating local legislative requirements, cultural nuances and the like are not only time consuming but take your eye off the main game: business.

As part of your business’s start-up, we at PCA Directions can provide regional representative office support in Chennai, India, suitable for small to medium sized Australian businesses. This commercial arrangement can be tailored to meet your business needs and may include the provision of an office address only or one complemented by phone answering and other business development support services via our local shared staff.

The PCA provided office support represents excellent value compared to most local commercial arrangements as it allows our partner businesses to avoid the expensive advance payments, technology set up and recruitment associated with setting up an off shore office.

We would be pleased to hear from you, should you be considering your business office set up in India.

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