Local knowledge can reap great rewards


So often businesses assume that if a product or service works in one market, it will be equally successful in others. More often than not, this is not the case.

When introducing your Australian brand offering into an Asian market or any other for that matter, it often requires adaptation to the local market conditions. It is often worthwhile considering taking on one of more local partners to help defray costs and provide valuable in-country knowledge and support teams.

By setting up a local office and recruiting from the local community, you send an important message that you understand and appreciate the diversity of the market. Local companies will feel more comfortable dealing with businesses that demonstrate an appreciation of local customs and culture.

It is also of most beneficial to work with other companies who have been successful in the Asian market so you may draw upon their local experience and knowledge.

PCA Directions can help you manage all of these requirements for you, inclusive of a support office, and act as your liaison in India and elsewhere in the Asian region. With our experience and knowledge, we can confidently assist you to successful expand into this market.

More information and important advice for potential investors in the Australian market can be seen viewed here:

This interview with Peter Cox, Principal of PCA Directions was held in July, during the Austrade/Australian Industry Group held the Operating in Asian Markets Forum.

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