True success is often a slow train


Time and again, companies looking to move into the Asian market struggle to achieve long term success. Without understanding the best way to approach the Asian market and the differences of culture and style in the way business is conducted, it can be a frustrating venture.

We see the role of PCA Directions as one that can help make this a smooth and successful venture. Our experience shows that any investor seriously seeking to move into the Asian market should look to a long term commitment rather than quick fixes or returns. Anything else will almost certainly not be sustainable.

Also it’s important to do your research. We recommend you target top tier companies as they will be more likely to adopt international best practice and have a longer term business view. Face to face meetings with executives are invaluable and demonstrate your interest in their business. They also help to convey trust and assurance and build rapport, even when you’re back in Australia.

The Principal of PCA Directions, Peter Cox was recently asked to share his thoughts and experiences as part of an “Operating in Asian Markets Forum” conducted by Australian Industry Group and Austrade.

For further information, why not take a look at his interview: 

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